For a few years now, I’ve embarked on a voyage of unparalleled depth, exploration and significance, at the core of this exploration lies a new understanding that transcends the limitations of conventional wisdom and pierces through the veil of illusion of our perception of reality.
I have begun discovering how the infinite canvas of Mind shapes my reality and influences the quality of my thoughts. I am learning to recognize the boundless potential that resides within, empowering me to navigate life with clarity and purpose, although I still find myself bouncing back to my habitual thinking…
I now can see my mind as an expansive canvas where thoughts, feelings, and experiences are painted. Rather than being confined by external circumstances, I have beginning to discover that my reality is created from the inside-out, stemming from the infinite creative capacity of the Mind.
Thought is a tool. Nothing more. Nothing less. We can use it as a powerful tool, or as a weapon against ourselves and others. Thought is the creative force that shapes our reality, yet often we are unaware of its profound influence on our lives.
Thought is the foundation upon which our entire experience is built. It is the mechanism through which we interpret and make sense of the world around us. Every perception, emotion, and action are a result of the thoughts that arise within our consciousness. Understanding the nature of thought is essential in harnessing its creative power.
Thoughts flow through our minds like a river, constantly shifting and evolving. It is important to recognize that thoughts are neutral, they are not inherently true or real. They are simply mental constructs that we assign meaning to. By understanding that our thoughts are not fixed or permanent, we can begin to see the potential for change and transformation.
Our thoughts have the power to shape our reality. They are the seeds from which our experiences grow. Just as a painter uses a brush to create a masterpiece on a canvas, we use our thoughts to create the masterpiece of our lives. The thoughts we hold in our minds act as a blueprint for how we experience our external world.
When we harness the creative power of thought, we become conscious creators of our reality. We no longer feel like passive observers but active participants in the unfolding of our lives.
Thought is not reality. Yet it is through thought that our realities are created.
How are you using the GIFT of THOUGHT???